Overview of Programs for Verifying Academic Texts on Plagiarism

The originality of the text is the opposite of plagiarism.

The more plagiarism in the text, the less its originality and vice versa - the less plagiarism, the uniqueness of this text is higher.

The following formula is fair:


For example, if the program for verifying the level of plagiarism shows that the originality of a particular text is 70%, this means that 30% of this text is unoriginal. That is from the point of view of the program verification 30% in this case - plagiarism.

But it should be noted that from the point of view of not the machine, but the man this statement is not too correct. For example, if a fragment is cited and the correct reference to the source is correct, it is a proper borrowing, and not plagiarism.

But free plagiarism programs are basically a program for checking the originality of the text, and not for the correctness of the citation, because such programs consider the cited plagiarized borrowing correctly. For example, static phrases like the "Criminal Code", "United Nations Organization", "World Trade Organization" - all of them will be identified as a program of verification as plagiarism. That is why any text is unlikely to have the originality of 100%.

As a result, the question of "how to reduce plagiarism", "how to hide plagiarism", "eliminate plagiarism", "remove plagiarism", "deceive, deceive, circumvent anti-plagiarism", "what to do with plagiarism", "how to undergo a plagiarization test," and others Similar are the most up-to-date and most popular.

Thus, plagiarism or low originality is a big problem for a modern student or scholar.

Today in the Internet space there are many programs that allow you to check the text for plagiarism.

The list of these programs is not an advertisement!

Among professional programs it should be noted:

  • Turnitin
  • Crossref,
  • RefWorks
  • Zotero,
  • Mendeley,
  • EndNote

(and other)

Among the freeware available on the Internet, you can name the following:

  • Advego Plagiarism
  • Anti-plagiarism
  • ContentWatch

It should be noted a number of inconveniences associated with the use of free on-line services:

  • Need to register or pay for long-term use;
  • Demo free session mode;
  • Limit the number of files or characters that can be checked in the guest mode without registration;
  • Checking takes a lot of time.

Student-oriented programs generally have a functionality designed to "cheat" the programs used by teachers.

In the presence of control over the originality of texts written work, students resort to the following strategies of adaptation of texts, allowing to increase the percentage of originality:

  • compilation of several sources;
  • translation of foreign sources or works;
  • the selection of synonyms or close by the value of words / phrases.


The following facts need to be recognized:

  • Plagiarism exists and widespread;
  • Plagiarism is used by both students and scholars;
  • The most motivated and ambitious students and academics are also prone to use plagiarism;
  • Sanctions and controls are not the only effective way to combat plagiarism.

For scientists:

  • Clear and transparent norms and rules that are an element of scientific culture;
  • The existence of clear criteria for determining the plagiarism and independence of the student's work, the permissible percentage of plagiarism;
  • Clear and understandable tasks with flexible assessment criteria;
  • Awareness of the means of verification and transparency for students of these means of verification;
  • Use of verification tools such as Google and other free online programs (excluding prepaid professional programs) as an auxiliary tool for verifying and verifying correctness or availability of links.
  • Development of single (within the university or faculty) control criteria and the permissible percentage of the originality of the text, depending on the specifics of the course and tasks for each individual subject.
  • Formation of sustainable practices of academic culture with an emphasis on creativity and autonomy.

For students:

  • Before writing any written work, have a clear task and plan;
  • To systematize available information and information to be found;
  • Always copy the name of the site and the full name of the source with which you work and notice the text in color;
  • Observe citation rules and check links;
  • In the process, write their comments and conclusions separately.


  • There is a rather controversial situation among students and among teachers in terms of understanding what is really plagiarism;
  • The problem is also that many people, especially among students, do not seriously consider plagiarism as a crime;
  • Lack of a cultural component that would regulate the practice of writing scientific works at the level of norms, traditions, values of academic culture, makes the institutional norms of control completely ineffective, even at the level of informing about the forms of plagiarism and understanding of what is the plagiarism of teachers and, as a result, students;
  • Teachers do not pay enough attention to the problem of plagiarism, inform students about the criteria for detecting plagiarism, testing for plagiarism is often ineffective or even fictitious;
  • Pretty poorly mastered by both students and teachers of technical means of combating plagiarism;
  • Teachers rarely use specialized programs (such as https://pro-papers.com/plagiarism-checker), usually a verification method is a Google query or use of free services that have significant limitations.
  • More technical equipment is provided by students who use special computer programs, but mostly not for self-testing for plagiarism, but for testing and modifying work in such a way that the teacher could not detect plagiarism in it.


  • Distribution of professional ethics and norms can be one of the most effective means of combating plagiarism.
  • In the work of the Polish ethics and philosopher Tadeusz Chezhovsky, the main virtues that characterize the person belonging to the academic environment are defined:
  • endurance in the overcoming of obstacles, which breaks frustration and indifference;
  • systematic versus irregular;
  • detail versus storey;
  • conscientiousness as opposed to frivolity;
  • honesty as opposed to falsification;
  • modesty that impedes the pursuit of vanity;
  • Courage of beliefs that are not credible, but aimed at the truth.

These virtues should be popularized among students, and the scientists themselves who are taught at universities should be interested in this.

Confrontation with fraud in science is sometimes equated with the throwing of a motive in order to heal in the sun, bearing in mind that this phenomenon cannot be eradicated completely and that there will always be persons who want to easily reach the scientific peaks by dishonest means. However, "throwing a motorcycle" is undoubtedly worthless, since corruption, fraud and their toleration in courts, hospitals, state institutions, etc. are often the result of fraud in universities: purchased diploma work, borrowed from someone else's article or manipulated results of scientific work.