Personnel assessment

Objectives of staff assessment

All organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, that is, how effectively it uses the resources at its disposal.

The main goal is to assess the level of education of the applicant, his appearance and determining his personal qualities. For effective work of managers and specialists, it is advisable to use the general system of evaluation rules for a candidate.

Staff assessment includes:

  • periodic evaluation of personnel;
  • Evaluation of the current results of the employee or his team (for managers);
  • assessment of potential abilities;
  • Socio-psychological assessment;
  • a prolonged evaluation based on the study of a long period of employment and an expressive evaluation of the performance or potential of the employee at some point in time;
  • a comprehensive evaluation of the activities in all the scope of the functions performed and a local evaluation of any function or aspect of the activity;
  • self-assessment, employee assessment by colleagues, evaluation of the subordinate by the manager ("top" evaluation), evaluation of the manager by subordinates ("bottom" rating).
  • an assessment of the achievement of goals, which is widely used in assessing the performance of management personnel and is based on establishing for each manager clear and clear targets, which should reach the head by a certain date.

The organizational procedure for preparing a business valuation involves the following mandatory activities:

  • development or selection of existing methods of personnel assessment and binding to specific conditions of the organization;
  • Formation of the evaluation commission with the involvement of the direct supervisor of the experienced employee, the specialists of the higher, equal and lower level of the hierarchy, as well as specialists in the personnel management of the organization or specialized evaluation centers;
  • determination of the time and place of the business evaluation;
  • Establishment of a procedure for summarizing the results of the evaluation;
  • elaboration of the issues of documentation and information support for the evaluation process (formation of a complete set of documentation in accordance with the evaluation methodology, its multiplication, distribution and identification of channels and forms of information transfer);
  • advising appraisers on the part of the developer of the methodology or specialist who owns it.

The initial data for personnel assessment are:

  • Models of staff workplaces;
  • Regulation on the certification of personnel;
  • method of rating evaluation of staff;
  • The philosophy of the enterprise;
  • rules of internal labor regulations;
  • Staffing;
  • personal files of employees;
  • orders for personnel;
  • sociological questionnaires;
  • psychological tests.

The main character is a line manager, responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base required for the current periodic evaluation, and conducts an assessment conversation with the employee. When forming the final evaluation, one should take into account: the views of colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with the staff being evaluated; subordinates; experts in the field of business evaluation, as well as the results of employee self-assessment.

Attestation of personnel

Personnel appraisal is an important stage in the final assessment of personnel over a period of time, usually 3 to 5 years.

Attestation is a form of integrated assessment of personnel, based on the results of which decisions are made on further employee growth, relocation or dismissal of the employee.

At the center of the certification process is a certification interview - a meeting of the attestation committee members with an attested staff member, during which the employee's performance results are discussed over the past period, an assessment of this work is made, and the employee's work plan for the next year and for the future is approved.

Attestation of employees includes the following stages:

  • preparation for certification;
  • making decisions on the results of attestation.

During the preparatory phase, a list of employees to be certified is drawn up; a timetable for attestation is formed;

  • performance of attestation;
  • the number and composition of the certification commissions is determined; reviews, characteristics and attestation sheets are being prepared for the attestation.

Attestation of managers and specialists is carried out during the entire calendar year within the deadlines set by the head of the organization. Attestation of employees of production units is carried out at least once every two years, and certification of specialists and managers is conducted at least once every 3-5 years.

At the stage of direct certification, the following is carried out:

  • a meeting of the commission, to which the attested and their immediate supervisors are invited;
  • consideration of all materials submitted for certification;
  • Hearing of attestation and their leaders;
  • the statements of the guests.

At the last stage, the attestation commission, taking into account the discussions in the absence of the assessor by open vote, gives one of the following estimates:

  • corresponds to the position held;
  • corresponds to the position occupied, provided that the work is improved, the recommendations of the certification commission are implemented and the certification is repeated in a year;
  • Does not correspond to the position held.

After this, the formation of conclusions and recommendations on the certification of employees.

Within a period of not more than two months from the date of attestation, he may decide to transfer an employee who is recognized by results of attestation as not corresponding to the position held, to another job with his consent. If this is not possible, the head of the organization may terminate the contract with him in the prescribed manner in accordance with the law.

At the expiration of this period, the transfer of the employee to another job or termination of an employment contract with him on the basis of the results of this certification is not allowed

Methods of personnel assessment

1. Staff assessment centers. The use of different methods and the mandatory evaluation of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increase the predictability and accuracy of the assessment. Particularly effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (increase) and in evaluating management personnel.

2. Tests for proficiency. 55% of the respondents use tests that are somewhat similar to the work that the candidate has to perform.

3. General tests of abilities. Assessment of the general level of development and individual characteristics of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative in assessing the level of ability to learn.

4. Biographical tests and biography. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, the main needs and interests, the characteristics of intelligence, sociability.

Also used are data from a personal file - a kind of dossier, which includes personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments. According to the personal file, the development of the employee is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about its prospects.

5. Personal tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personality traits the person's reliance on a certain type. Assess the person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities.

20% of the respondents answered that they use various types of personal and psychological tests in their organizations.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at gathering information about the experience, level of knowledge and evaluation of the professionally important qualities of the applicant.

7. Recommendations. When receiving a recommendation from a private person, you should pay attention to the status of this person. If the recommendation is presented to a professional by a person very well known in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more justified.

8. Non-traditional methods. 11% use polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress indicator, honesty tests attitude to anything established by the company. 18% apply for candidates alcohol and drug tests. As a rule, these tests are based on urine and blood tests, which is part of a typical medical examination when entering the workplace. None of the organizations surveyed uses AIDS tests for their candidates. 22% use certain types of psychoanalysis to identify the skill of candidates for possible work in their organizations.

Each stage can be considered as a filter, screening out the least qualified candidates. Steps 1-3 are used in almost all cases, and steps 4-6 are not always available. For example, step 5 is not required for posts that do not require special responsibility.
